IVM & Co. brings energy, performance, and determination both in and out of the workplace. Our clients trust us to increase their customer base and establish footholds in various markets. Our dedication to both our people and clients is why IVM & Co. is one of the fastest-growing firms in the state of Ohio.
IVM & Co. places a strong value on company culture as well as work-life flow. We believe that employees should love where they work, and foster relationships and personal growth, all while achieving their financial goals. Our performance-based management training program ensures that individuals who are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals will succeed and further grow within their role with the company.
Our team-oriented environment is an excellent place for one to improve their skills and collaborate with others to achieve a common goal.
IVM & Co. is currently hiring for two positions; Sales Representative and Brand Ambassador. Our sales representatives are solely responsible for new customer acquisition while Brand Ambassadors focus on management training in addition to customer acquisition. Brand Ambassadors will go through extensive developmental coaching as well as the various leadership stages of our program.
We are looking for sports-minded individuals that are willing to ‘go the extra mile’ to achieve their personal goals. Prior sales experience is preferred but not required. We offer a flexible schedule, travel opportunities, and PTO to all employees.
For further inquiries and employment opportunities please click on the link below.
Suspendisse potenti. Nullam velit dolor, faucibus quis magna in, gravida laoreet ligula.
Nulla condimentum felis et porttitor lobortis. Pellentesque mattis nibh non tortor dapibus, a feugiat libero egestas. Curabitur nibh felis, viverra non mollis id, tempus vitae magna. Nullam neque nunc, bibendum sed massa id, commodo pretium ipsum. Cras nunc massa, tempus sit amet gravida scelerisque, volutpat egestas justo. Nulla sit amet ipsum eu sapien elementum tincidunt. Quisque eu mauris eget lorem iaculis dapibus. Morbi eget urna metus. Vivamus ut elit euismod, rhoncus urna non, sagittis massa. Pellentesque dignissim faucibus faucibus. Nullam elementum luctus lorem eget imperdiet. Nullam tristique vel dui eu scelerisque. Proin eu dapibus ante. Donec faucibus ante ac lectus ultricies ultrices.
Fusce fringilla, nisi in malesuada egestas, orci neque accumsan velit, sed pellentesque neque ipsum dapibus eros. Praesent efficitur ante eu justo imperdiet, non volutpat urna feugiat. Pellentesque eu ante lectus. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse non ipsum vel ipsum tincidunt viverra ut vel magna. Mauris vel eleifend odio. In eget orci id urna porttitor aliquam. Aliquam a erat ut ex placerat tincidunt quis quis odio. Aenean accumsan maximus neque, non dictum sem congue ut. Vivamus placerat consequat egestas. Mauris nec purus lorem.
non volutpat urna feugiat. Pellentesque eu ante lectus. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse non ipsum vel ipsum tincidunt viverra ut vel magna. Mauris vel eleifend odio. In eget orci id urna porttitor aliquam. Aliquam a erat ut ex placerat tincidunt quis quis odio. Aenean accumsan maximus neque, non dictum sem congue ut. Vivamus placerat consequat egestas. Mauris nec purus lorem.
Sed pulvinar porttitor neque at feugiat. Duis sapien dui, gravida et vehicula facilisis, faucibus et sapien. Nam bibendum convallis aliquet. Morbi vel est gravida velit scelerisque pharetra id eget sapien. Nulla efficitur interdum tortor, ac laoreet sapien hendrerit at. Nullam feugiat, lacus nec rutrum tempor, lacus leo efficitur ipsum, id accumsan justo lacus id justo. In feugiat nisi non leo ullamcorper tristique.
Sed euismod, justo ut aliquam luctus, nibh erat luctus sapien, ut vulputate enim turpis sed dui. Ut quis urna rutrum, interdum ipsum sed, rhoncus massa. Pellentesque at sodales tellus. Donec tempor sem eget lacus tincidunt cursus. Quisque egestas magna quis ultrices faucibus. Maecenas condimentum lectus a tortor faucibus pellentesque. Integer at gravida erat.
Proin tincidunt imperdiet fermentum. In eu neque ante. Nunc euismod justo nisl, ac rutrum lectus pulvinar sit amet. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vivamus eget diam neque. Integer vel rhoncus quam. Donec dolor metus, ultrices feugiat mauris a, congue varius justo. Suspendisse dictum in dolor id tincidunt. Phasellus in tellus risus. Nulla vel nisi ut ex fringilla egestas.
Having a mentor can be extremely beneficial to your career. A mentor is someone you trust and can lean on for advice. They can help you navigate your way through difficult challenges and offer guidance on how to best use your skills and experience. At IVM & Co, each team member is assigned a coach and mentor when they come on board, to ensure that they always have someone in their corner.
A mentor can also introduce you to new opportunities and provide insights that you might not otherwise have access to.
Having a mentor can help build your confidence and improve your communication skills. Perhaps most importantly, a mentor can provide a sounding board when you need someone to lean on.
A career mentor is someone you can trust to advise you as you navigate your way through the often choppy waters of professional life.
A mentor can help you avoid making some of the same mistakes they made. They can also introduce you to new opportunities and help you build the skills and connections you need to succeed.
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